There are different types of artificial turf, each of which is used for different applications. When it’s time to choose what’s right for your lawn, one of the biggest factors is your personal preference. Of course, there are some other important factors too. It’s important to take some time to think through these things.
Why do you need artificial turf?
Most people hope to install artificial grass so that they can overcome a specific issue (e.g., less maintenance, less mud, a putting green in your own backyard) that they’re having. Determining what your “issue” is will help you determine what’s right for you.
How high do you want your grass to be?
Artificial turf’s height (a.k.a, pile height) ranges from 1.125 inches to 2.5 inches. The grass with shorter pile height is best for areas with heavy foot traffic (e.g., athletic fields, backyards), while taller pile height is typically only for aesthetic purposes. This is because shorter grass stays standing straight up regardless of traffic since it’s made with less material.
Which grass is pet friendly?
If you own dogs who will be using your artificial turf, it’s important to choose something that’s pet friendly. This is what’s known as “pet turf.” What makes it pet friendly is the material on the back of it is permeable. It’s important to have this type of backing so that everything can thoroughly drain through it because otherwise, the turf will start smelling bad. This grass is also great for children too.
What color do you want your grass to be?
There are many different types of green colors that grass can have. These vary from bright lime green to dark olive green. Where you live will help determine which of these colors will blend most naturally with the natural grass in that environment.
How much do you want the grass to weigh?
This may sound like a weird question that you may not feel concerned about since it has to do with the turf’s fibers. However, it’s vital to understand weight’s (a.k.a., face weight, total weight) importance. It has to do with how resilient to traffic the artificial turf can be without becoming matted. This is measured from 50 ounces to 110 ounces per square yard. The denser it is, the more resilient it is.
What grass is best for an artificial putting turf?
You’ll need to have artificial grass that meets some very specific specifications. It needs to have a short height, be between 0.5625 – 1.1125 inches tall, and be made of either polypropylene or nylon. Most of these putting greens also have a fringe around them that’s slightly taller and slightly darker so that it looks both realistic and aesthetically pleasing.
With the right answers in mind, where do you get the right grass?
Now you can see that not every type of artificial turf is the same. At Turf Pro Synthetics in Tampa, FL, we can help you choose which one is right for your home. Get in touch with us today.