Everything is seemingly going great with your game until you miss a short putt. Although this can be both frustrating and embarrassing, there are some things that you can do to improve your game here and ultimately lower your score. Take Time to Aim Your aim is a major priority if you want to be successful here since your ball travels where you point your putter face at the time of impact. If you look at good players, you’ll see that once they’ve taken their practice shots, they’ll aim their putter face before settling their grip and setup. Get a Grip Your hands’ placement on the putter’s grip stabilizes your club and influences your ability to deliver a square face upon impact. There are many ways of doing this. Choose the one that makes you feel the most coordinated. When uncertain, take your cues from the grip’s design. Maintain Good Posture Throughout Your Short Putts With good posture, your arms will naturally swing through your short putts. This is something […] Continue reading